Cost per sense system and method

Patent number: 11194387
Inventor: Chamli Tennakoon


The cost per sense system and method refer to a pricing model and approach for monetizing the sensory interactions provided by a content interaction system. In this system, each sense (such as sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) that users engage with is associated with a specific cost. The cost per sense can vary based on the level of engagement or interaction, offering different pricing tiers or slabs. For example, a basic level of engagement with a sense may have a lower cost, while more advanced interactions may have higher costs.

The cost per sense system and method enable content providers and advertisers to quantify and measure the value of user engagement with each sense. It provides a mechanism to determine payment rates based on the level and extent of sensory interaction. Advertisers can pay for user engagement and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

Additionally, user data collected through the system can be utilized to target specific audiences and customize advertising campaigns. By implementing a cost per sense approach, content creators and providers can effectively monetize the sensory experiences offered by their content interaction systems. This model encourages enhanced user engagement, fosters interactive content development, and creates opportunities for advertisers to promote their products or services in a multi-sensory context.

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